Congrats to Anna Duraj-Thatte and Avinash Manjula-Basavanna on their new publication, called “Water-processable, biodegradable and coat able aquaplastic from engineered biofilms”, out now at Nature Chemical Biology. You can find our author final draft before peer review here: Duraj-Thatte_Manjula-Basavanna NatChemBio2021 AuthorFinal. The paper describes a method to make a new class of biodegradable plastic-like materials, based on proteinaceous curli fibers made by engineered E. coli. Many thanks to our former group members (Noémie Manuelle Dorval-Courchesne and Giorgia Cannici) and collaborators (D. Howard Fairbrother from Johns Hopkins, Raffele Mezzenga from ETH, and Sarah Cotts from TA Instruments) on their help with this effort.

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